Expo BioArt Laboratories - Down to Earth / The Symbiocene Forest

including 6 participants of the Summer Pilot of the Academie van Leiden

21 – 29 october 2023, Oirschotsedijk 14-10, 5651 GC Eindhoven


Photos of the works were taken by the artists  and can be used, provided their name and the title of the work(s) are mentioned. 

Photos from the Summer Pilot can be used provided the ‘Academie van Leiden’ is mentioned.

More about the participants, the Summer Pilot and the works on display: see Press Kit

Maartje Alders

1. That gorge is beautiful, they said.
2. Four views on rumex (dock)

                       A - Rumex: Pick me!

                       B - Rumex: Cross Section / Doorsnee

                       C - Rumex: Abstract / Herhaling

                       D - Rumex: Imagination / Verbeelding

Michiel Keller

  1. Thin tin - Flat intruders joining nature
  2. Stumbling ants in the city 

Bastiaan Luijk

  1. Space for spaciousness - a jewel for the city
  2. Transient perspective: seeing the forest through the trees

Daniëlle Ooms

  1. Compost Diorama
  2. Life Inclusive Tiles

Inge Reisberman

Old Days Dying

Henny Willems

Twisted Willow

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